Hosted by WSP USA and Con Edison, the AEG Net-Zero Building Summit convenes cross sectional stakeholders to present critical obstacles that require collaboration and a near term solution regarding building decarbonization and electrification. Includes: Commitments Panel Discussion, Owner/Operator/Solution Provider Speaker Challenges, A Pathway to Decarbonization Panel, and Greening the Clean Energy Workforce Panel.
Speaker Challenge: Invited speakers present a critical obstacle that needs collaboration and a near term solution: "Regarding building decarbonization and electrification, to achieve New York's Climate, Health and Equity goals, a critical obstacle to collectively overcome in 12 months is __________.”
Participants vote on which speaker has articulated the most urgent obstacle. Invited participants are strategically placed into breakout rooms to compete on developing a 12 month solution to the selected obstacle. An AEG Task Force is formulated to carry out the selected 12 month solution.
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