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New York Advanced Energy Leadership Breakfast

June 23, 2016 New York Advanced Energy Stakeholder Breakfast hosted by AKF

8:00 - 9:00am  Networking Breakfast

9:00  - 9:25am  Welcome Remarks

Charlie Marino, NY Director of Energy Services, AKF Group
ConEdison Demand Response Team, ConEdison

9:25  - 10:30am Panel Discussion with Q & A

Jim McDonald - Director of Environmental Impact, PowerSecure:  Diesel Generators for Demand Response and Microgrid Strategies - New Rules

Diana Sweeney -  COO, EnergyWatch: Optimizing Energy Supply and Demand Strategies

William Vazquez  - General Manager, 3 Bryant Park:  Driving Owner Value

Moderator:  H.G. Chissell - CEO, Advanced Energy Group

10:30 - 11:00am  Conclusion

Space is limited.  Request an invitation