
Executive Summary: August 22nd, 2024 AEG DMV 24Q3 Stakeholder Challenge on Grid Modernization

Executive Summary: August 22nd, 2024 AEG DMV 24Q3 Stakeholder Challenge on Grid Modernization

The AEG DMV 24Q3 Stakeholder Challenge on Grid Modernization brought together 48 industry leaders to address critical obstacles in achieving DMV’s climate, health, and equity goals. The challenge emphasized the importance of aligning comprehensive planning with utilities, government, and large campuses, particularly for implementing advanced grid technologies like thermal energy networks. Key themes that emerged included the need for capacity expansion to meet growing energy demands, strategic alignment among stakeholders, ensuring economic viability to maintain affordability, and addressing complex project development challenges. As the newly formed Task Force embarks on a 90-day sprint and 12-month objective, their collaborative efforts will be pivotal in driving equitable and sustainable grid modernization across the DMV area.

Less Zoom, More Mobility: AEG Washington 21Q4 Recap

Less Zoom, More Mobility: AEG Washington 21Q4 Recap

After a year and a half of zooming through remote collaboration AEG Stakeholders gathered in-person for the AEG Washington 21Q4 Stakeholder Challenge on Mobility & Transportation. Many great obstacles were presented by our Speaker Challengers, but ultimately only one was selected as the most critical to overcome in 12 months.

AEG Washington 20Q4 Task Force Kickstarts Dialogue with U.S. Congress to Expedite the Electrification of Public Transit

AEG Washington 20Q4 Task Force Kickstarts Dialogue with U.S. Congress to Expedite the Electrification of Public Transit

Transportation poses as a vital and complex sector to be decarbonized as we continue to confront the climate crisis. As of 2019, transportation composed 29% of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions. To kickstart a generative partnership with the federal government, the Advanced Energy Group (AEG) Washington 20Q4 Task Force has delivered a letter to the Congressional Delegation which outlines the rationale, requirements, and benefits of bus electrification.

DC Water Task Force Prioritizes Equity as it Finalizes Project Portfolio

DC Water Task Force Prioritizes Equity as it Finalizes Project Portfolio

In January 2021, AEG convened Stakeholders in Washington DC to discuss major obstacles the District faces on its path to reaching resilience and equity while decarbonizing critical infrastructure. With equity at its center of focus, the District aims for a 50% decrease in emissions from its 2006 baseline and carbon neutrality by 2050. After a series of conversations, Stakeholders decided to tackle the challenge, presented by DC Water’s Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, Kishia L. Powell, PE, of creating a unified project portfolio based on cost-benefit analysis that would enable collaborators to make informed, expedient, and equitable decisions.

Small-Scale Distributed Energy Resources Are Upending Washington D.C.’s Power Grid As We Know It

Small-Scale Distributed Energy Resources Are Upending Washington D.C.’s Power Grid As We Know It

As climate change continues to ravage the globe, areas like the District of Columbia are committed to a shift from traditional power generation (such as coal, natural gas and nuclear) to renewable generation sources. In fact, the District’s Clean Energy DC Plan has set some of the most aggressive goals nationwide, with a plan to halve carbon emissions and transition to 100% renewable energy by 2032. This comes with a host of obstacles to overcome, namely, data access and transmission interconnection barriers.

AEG has worked tirelessly to convene leaders to address these challenges. Last week, Stakeholders convened for the AEG Washington 21Q3 Stakeholder Challenge on Grid Modernization to do just that.

A Glimpse into 'Watt' It Takes to Modernize Washington D.C.’s Electrical Grid

A Glimpse into 'Watt' It Takes to Modernize Washington D.C.’s Electrical Grid

While D.C. may have a unique and interesting grid, like all other grids in the country, it needs to be modernized. As our nation’s capital, it would make sense for D.C. to have not only one of the oldest microgrids in the country, representing our rich technical history, but also one of the newest microgrids in the country to represent our technical progress and innovation. Like all other grids in the country, D.C.’s grid needs to modernize to maximize resilience and efficiency in the face of increasing threats such as extreme weather events. However, as part of the PJM Interconnection, D.C. relies almost entirely on the other 13 states in the interconnection for their electrical needs. Modernizing this grid will take major efforts on the part of all stakeholders in both the district and within the wider interconnection.

The Capital’s Case for Infrastructure & Water Resiliency - 2019 WAE Q1

The Capital’s Case for Infrastructure & Water Resiliency - 2019 WAE Q1

Ahead of the Advance Energy Group’s Q1 Stakeholder Breakfast event in the country’s capital, we look at what has been accomplished by the industry’s thought leaders, policy makers and private and public sector partners as climate security plays a significant role in the U.S. capital’s resiliency planning

2018 WAE Q4 Recap: Increasing Low-Carbon Mobility

2018 WAE Q4 Recap: Increasing Low-Carbon Mobility

On December 13, AEG convened its final Stakeholder Breakfast of 2018. This breakfast focused on Mobility & Transportation as they relate to DC’s clean energy goals. Speakers from Pepco, WMATA, the District Department of Transportation, and UPS gave presentations outlining their answer to the question, “What is the critical challenge I focus on regarding Mobility & Transportation related to Washington DC’s clean energy goals?”

Washington DC Mobility and Transportation - 2018 WAE Q4

Washington DC Mobility and Transportation - 2018 WAE Q4

Amazon’s announcement to locate part of its new headquarters in Arlington, Virginia will be a significant jolt to the economy of the DC metro area. This announcement emphasizes the need for a more sustainable living environment. It has created a new focus on DC’s transportation infrastructure, which already experiences regular traffic bottlenecks from transporting hundreds of thousands of commuters to and from the District each day.

2018 WAE Q3 Recap: IoT, Technology, & Innovation

2018 WAE Q3 Recap: IoT, Technology, & Innovation

There sense of urgency surrounding Washington D.C’s AEG Q3 Stakeholder Breakfast provided a productive backdrop for the meeting. The room of experts covered the unique challenges facing the DC energy sector and the event culminated in the formation of a task force with the twin goals of collating all the relevant data necessary to create a platform and organizing an event to explore the solutions that can be developed with this data.

Washington D.C., an active test bed for IoT, Technology & Innovation (Q3 2018)

Washington D.C., an active test bed for IoT, Technology & Innovation (Q3 2018)

The Internet of Things (IoT), Innovation & Technology is a dynamic subject that touches an array of fields that extends outside the energy sector. Washington D.C. is one of numerous cities across the country that are racing to take advantage of the potential improvements from IoT technology that will impact different parts of the city’s ecosystem.

2018 WAE Q2: Smart Buildings and Grid Modernization

2018 WAE Q2: Smart Buildings and Grid Modernization

The Washington Advanced Energy (WAE) Q2 Stakeholder Breakfast started with a call to urgency, HG Chissell - Founder and CEO of AEG - emphasized the importance of finding grid modernization solutions that were meaningful, effective, and would truly address the challenges facing D.C.’s energy sector in the long run. The risk stakeholders face is providing a well-meaning solution that is ultimately an unhelpful, quick fix.

DERs and Alternative Infrastructure Solutions in Washington DC (WAE Q2 2018)

DERs and Alternative Infrastructure Solutions in Washington DC (WAE Q2 2018)

DC has been paying more attention to the modernization of the electric grid. Cost reductions and improved performance of DERs are creating opportunities for the grid to operate more efficiently and at lower costs. Over the past few years, the city has been exploring how buildings and facilities that were primarily end-users of electricity can assist in power management and delivery across the District.

2018 WAE Q1 Recap: Resiliency, Critical Infrastructure & Microgrids

2018 WAE Q1 Recap: Resiliency, Critical Infrastructure & Microgrids

On February 22, Advanced Energy Group held its first Stakeholder Breakfast of the year in Washington, DC. The topic this time: Resiliency, Critical Infrastructure, and Microgrids. After the significant damage wrought by last year’s hurricane season, the subjects were more relevant than ever. The event’s large attendance reflected the importance of the subject matter, as the room was filled to capacity.

Washington DC: A Member of 100 Resilient Cities (2018 WAE Q1)

Washington DC: A Member of 100 Resilient Cities (2018 WAE Q1)

In 2016, Washington, DC became a member of 100 Resilient Cities, joining a network of over 1,000 metropolises around the world dedicated to improving the resiliency of systems and infrastructure. A Resilience Strategy to prepare the District for future threats is being developed through a collaborative effort that will incorporate input from all stakeholders, in hopes of creating a comprehensive strategy for addressing a spectrum of threats.

2017 WAE Q2 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization

2017 WAE Q2 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization

Could there be a more perfect venue than the U.S. Green Building Council’s headquarters for hosting our Washington Advanced Energy (WAE) Q2 2017 Stakeholder Meeting on Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization?  We could not think of one.  Dave Witek (Senior Vice President, Finance, Operations & Administration) and the USGBC Team graciously hosted us in their LEED Platinum (2009) space that showcased what smart buildings can do.

2016 WAE Q4 Recap: Mobility & Transportation

2016 WAE Q4 Recap: Mobility & Transportation

How do we move toward tangible action with regard to Transportation and Mobility in Washington D.C.? On December 8th, 2016, energy industry experts participated in the Stakeholder Breakfast to discuss the ways in which participation in data gathering, problem-framing in the transportation industry and EVs, and the generation of reliable power could provide a deliverable product through scaling existing initiatives and better incentivizing end-usage.

2016 WAE Q3 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization

2016 WAE Q3 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization

How can we develop smart, viable solutions to achieve greater reductions in energy demand and make advancements on sustainability? On September 8, energy industry professionals across Washington DC met to discuss and identify issues respective to technology, buildings, and distributed energy optimization. Ideas on bringing new technologies and scaling existing initiatives presented a wide array of paths forward.

2016 WAE Q3: Technology, Buildings, and Distributed Energy Optimization

2016 WAE Q3: Technology, Buildings, and Distributed Energy Optimization

On Thursday, September 8, Washington Advanced Energy will hold a Stakeholders Breakfast to discuss issues around technology, buildings, and distributed energy optimization. Washington Advanced Energy is the result of a number of meetings facilitated by engaged stakeholders with the view to create viable and equitable solutions that meet key needs and desired outcomes.