MARCH 14, 2019 - Chicago Advanced Energy Q1

Resiliency, Critical Infrastructure and Microgrids

Breakfast presentations:

Stefan Schaffer, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Chicago

Brien Sheahan, Chairman and CEO, Illinois Commerce Commission

Jake Edie, Manager—EPC Proposals, S&C Electric

Jim Kavicky, Program Manager, Infrastructure Resilience, Argonne National Laboratory

Joyce Coffee, President, Climate Resilience Consulting

Winning Problem Statement:

Lack of a constructive and flexible regulatory environment that enables innovation and learning - Brien Sheahan

Winning 12-Month Action Plan from Table 2:

A plan to develop regulatory sandboxes hosted by key energy users, presentable to the Governor’s energy team, that would strengthen decision making and understanding of regulators by modeling, simulating and testing different scenarios for building Benefit-Cost models for such issues as microgrids and non-wires alternative programs.

Willing to join the 2019 CAE Q1 Task Force?

Sign up for the Task Force by adding your information to this form. Chairman Brien Sheahan has expressed an interest in co-authoring a piece in collaboration with the task force on the necessity of regulatory innovation to address growing need for resiliency.

Next Q2 CAE Stakeholder Series: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization: May 22-23, 2019

Non-member Registration Link.

Members will receive a custom invitation.

CAE Q1 Reward Sponsor:

20% off registration ($250 Value). Clink image above to registration enter code: AEGVIP

20% off registration ($250 Value). Clink image above to registration enter code: AEGVIP


Dinner and Breakfast Stakeholders: Attendee List

Elizabeth Kocs: CAE Q4 2018 Mobility & Transportation Task Force Update

CAE Q1 Slido Results

CAE Q1 AEG Blog Post: A More Resilient Chicago, by Bridget Hardy, AEG Fellow Alumna

What will have the greatest impact on Chicago's resiliency planning?

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Further Resources: 

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Thank you!

Chicago Advanced Energy 

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