MAY 23, 2019 - Chicago Advanced Energy Q2

Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization

Breakfast presentations:

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Winning Problem Statement from Jenny Carney, Vice President, Sustainability, Energy and Climate Change, WSP :

Data and resourcing obstacles are preventing rapid decarbonization of buildings.

Winning 12-Month Action Plan from Table 4:

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12 months: Develop a methodology for carbon scoring of buildings.

Quarterly Milestones:
QM 1 : Engage the new Mayor’s Energy & Transition team and building portfolio owners.
QM 2 : Identify the best city/tool for reporting of carbon performance of buildings.
QM 3: Identify a group of buildings to pilot a scoring system for Chicago.

Q2 2019 Task Force Leader:

Chris Saltz, Managing Principal, FIX Consulting

Sign up for the Task Force by adding your information to this form.


Thank you to our Q2 breakfast host, WMA, and our breakfast sponsor, Force Partners.

Thank you to our Q2 breakfast host, WMA, and our breakfast sponsor, Force Partners.

Next Q3 CAE Stakeholder Series: IoT, Technology, & Innovation : sEPTEMBER 4-5, 2019

Non-member Registration Link.

Members will receive a custom invitation.

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Thank you!

Chicago Advanced Energy 

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