november 14, 2019 - Washington DC Advanced Energy Q4

Mobility & Transportation

Washington Web 10_29_19.png

Winning Problem Statement:

For mobility & transportation to enable Washington DC’s decarbonization goals, we must first align corporate incentives to compel urgency. - MOLLY BAUCH, SR. MANAGER & CLIMATE REALITY LEADER, ACCENTURE

Winning 12-Month Action Plan: table 4

12 Month: 100 Corporate commitments to subsidized transit for all employees. Corporate commitments to pre - fund first 100 EV Bus.

> M1: Campaign scope and funding.

> M2: Launch campaign.

> M3: Marketing campaign celebrate win.

Q4 2019 Task Force Leader: H.G. Chissell

Sign up for the Task Force by adding your information to this form.


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Thank you!

Washington Advanced Energy 

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