SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 - Boston Advanced Energy Q3
Discussion leader presentations:
Anne Schwieger, Department of Innovation & Technology, City of Boston
Fouad Dagher, Director of Customer Innovation, Nationalgrid Partners
Andrea Ruotolo, PhD, Global Distributed Energy Systems Lead, Worley Group
Joana Abreu Ph.D., Program Manager, Demand Response, Eversource Energy
Winning Problem Statement: Andrea Ruotolo, Ph.D., Global Group Lead Distributed Energy, Worley group:
Energy data is not easily accessible and in silos rather than in the public commons, this prevents the crowd from being engaged.
Winning 12 month action plan: Table 2 - Boston Data Energy Hub
Q1: Develop consensus on need for hub Q2: Draft key changes required to establish hub Q3: Draft comprehensive framework / stakeholders Q4: Submit framework to designated authority
Task force leader: Tristan jackson, Global Director, Smart & Distributed Energy, Worley
BAEQ3 Task Force Contact List - (click here to join)
Participant List - please check your information
BAE Q4 SERIES: Mobility & Transportation - NOVEMBER 20-21, 2019
Non-Member Registration Link: BAE Q4 Mobility and Transportation
(Members will receive a custom invitation.)
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Boston Advanced Energy