november 21, 2019 - Boston Advanced Energy Q4
Mobility & Transportation
Discussion leader presentations:
Peter Fox-Penner, Director, Institute for Sustainable Energy, Boston University
Matt Warfield, Planner, New Mobility, Policy and Planning Division, Boston Transportation Department
Hannah Payne, Sustainability Coordinator, City of Somerville
For mobility & transportation to enable Boston’s decarbonization goals, we must first address the 75% of transportation emissions that come from travel to and from the City of Boston. - MATT WARFIELD, BOSTON TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT
12 Month: Launch a corporate leadership challenge for carbon-free commutes.
M1: Application to MassCEC with partners like Ceres, Healthcare without Harm and industry associations
M2: Major employers recruited and commuter surveys completed to establish baseline
M3: Program launch event
Winning Task force leader Table 7
Kat Eshel, Carbon Neutrality Program Manager, City of Boston
BAEQ4 Task Force Contact List - (click here to join)
Runner Up TaBle Task force leader Table 6:
Martha Grover, Energy Efficiency Manager, City of Melrose - Task Force Leader
Jarred Johnson, Director, Transit Matters - Task Force Leader
Last mile solutions to get riders on rail & optimization of existing infrastructure
M1- gather info & select partners for grant
M2- develop marketing campaign/ business plan
M3- Roll out pilot / test public
M4- Evaluation pilot and next steps
BAEQ4 Task Force Table 6 Contact List - (click here to join)
Attendee List with task force sign up.
NEXT BAE STAKEHOLDER CHALLENGE: Q1 Resilience, Critical Infrastructure & Microgrids
JANUARY 22-23, 2020
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Thank you!
- HG Chissell and Team