June 6, 2019 - Boston Advanced Energy Q2

Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization

Breakfast Presentations:



Winning Problem Statement:

The need to coordinate planning at scale to enable collective action on zero-carbon buildings connected to a smart region. - Cammy Peterson, Director of Clean Energy, MAPC


Winning 12 month action plan: Table 7

Establish a state wide / standardized Building Energy / Carbon Disclosure ordnance.

Q - Integrate into Building Code new triggers requiring EB retrofits that progress over time.

Q - Increase state code energy performance requirements including ZE/ZC buildings

Q - Celebration!

Task force leader: TBD

BAEQ2 Task Force Contact List - (click here to join)

Winning Dinner Problem Statement: Table 4

Technologies exist to enable building owners to support Boston’s 2050 de-carbonization goals; demonstrate a financing and tax- incentive plan to effect this outcome.

Technologies exist to enable building owners to support Boston’s 2050 de-carbonization goals; demonstrate a financing and tax- incentive plan to effect this outcome.

BAE Q3 SERIES: IoT, Technology, & Innovation - September 17-18, 2019

Non-Member Registration Link: BAE Q3 Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization
(Members will receive a custom invitation.)

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Thank you!

Boston Advanced Energy 

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