September 13, 2018 - Boston Advanced Energy Q3

IOT, Technology And Innovation

Breakfast presentations:

Winning Problem Statement - Carlos Nouel, VP of Energy Solutions, National Grid

This issue is not “sexy” nor appealing to a large number of consumers. Thus, it can feel like we’re wasting customers/rate payers money and without thinking we’re taking too much risk.

Winning 12 month action plan:

Table 5 - Simple as A.B.C. 3 months - Assess Boston Climate Action Plan to identify connectivity issues among stakeholders (360° Needs Assesment) 6 months - Build IoT Innovation Nodes map and criteria for advancing solutions to top needs 12 months - Catapult winning workplans for deployment

Taskforce Co-leads:

  • Stephanie Pine, Strategic Partnerships and Proposals Manager:

  • Michelle Bebrin, Associate Director, Navigant:


Horizon18 - Oct. 10 - 11 @ Boston Convention Center

- AEG Stakeholders have access to a 25% discount on registration using this promocode: HORIZON18AEG

NEXT BAE Q4 STAKEHOLDER SERIES: Mobility & Transportation - November 14-15, 2018

Non-member Registration Link (members will receive a custom invitation):

Registration: Q4 NYAE Stakeholder Series: Mobility & Transportation


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Thank you! Boston Advanced Energy