SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 - Boston Advanced Energy Q3


Discussion leader presentations:

Winning Problem Statement: Andrea Ruotolo, Ph.D., Global Group Lead Distributed Energy, Worley group:

Energy data is not easily accessible and in silos rather than in the public commons, this prevents the crowd from being engaged.

Winning 12 month action plan: Table 2 - Boston Data Energy Hub

Q1: Develop consensus on need for hub Q2: Draft key changes required to establish hub Q3: Draft comprehensive framework / stakeholders Q4: Submit framework to designated authority

Task force leader: Tristan jackson, Global Director, Smart & Distributed Energy, Worley

BAEQ3 Task Force Contact List - (click here to join)


BAE Q4 SERIES: Mobility & Transportation - NOVEMBER 20-21, 2019

Non-Member Registration Link: BAE Q4 Mobility and Transportation
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Boston Advanced Energy