December 4-5, 2019 - San Francisco Advanced Energy
Q4 Mobility & Transportation
Opening Remarks
H.G. Chissell, Founder / CEO, Advanced Energy Group
Debbie Raphael, Director, SF Energy and Environment
Patricia Monahan, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
Breakfast presentations
Sila Kiliccote, CEO, eIQ Mobility, Electric Fleet Management
Danielle Harris, Director of Mobility Innovation, Elemental Excelerator
Tim Doherty, Senior Planner, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
Winning Problem Statement
For mobility & transportation to enable San Francisco’s decarbonization goals, we must first stop fooling ourselves that the alternatives we offer are better than sitting in the car. - DANIELLE HARRIS, ELEMENTAL EXCELERATOR
Winning 12-month action plan: TABLE 5
12 Month: Reward clean mobility choices with celebratory random, acclaimed actions
M1: Form leadership/creative council
M2: Design program, recruit volunteers, get sponsors
M3: Launch in financial district
Maryline Davideaud Lewett, Black and Veatch
JJ Raynor, Uber Elevate
Janelle Landon, Coltura
Leslie Alden, Marin Climate Action Network/DRAWDOWN: Marin
SFAEQ4 Task Force Contact List - (click here to join)
Participant List - check your contact information and sign up for the task force
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Thank you!
AEG San Francisco