2016 WAE Q3: Technology, Buildings, and Distributed Energy Optimization

 -Ossama Ayesh, Fellow

On Thursday, September 8, Washington Advanced Energy will hold a Stakeholders Breakfast to discuss issues around technology, buildings, and distributed energy optimization. Washington Advanced Energy is the result of a number of meetings facilitated by engaged stakeholders with the view to create viable and equitable solutions that meet key needs and desired outcomes. The purpose of Washington Advanced Energy is to provide a stakeholder supported, invitation-only quarterly forum where constructive dialogue among the District's key energy stakeholders can occur and lead to tangible results.

Achieving utility scale reductions in energy demand among energy users contributing to the top 100 hour peak hours has been a point of focus in Washington D.C. However, a number of issues need to be addressed in order to achieve this intriguing goal, such as understanding what energy end-uses and users are most attributable to peak loads and learning the technical opportunities and challenges which lie ahead for demand response. There is a need to identify the available technologies and organizational measures that best reduce and shift peak coincident consumption. Finally, how willing local governments are to collaborate on this initiative, and which project areas relevant stakeholders should prioritize is vital in order to facilitate such desired outcomes.

For this upcoming Washington Advanced Energy Stakeholder Breakfast, Dr. Taresa Lawrence, Deputy Director, Department of Energy and Environment, will provide opening remarks, followed by an excellent lineup of key District energy leaders representing PEPCO, DOEE, Dept. of General Services, USGBC and Naval District Washington.

Here is a link to the video from the last Washington Advanced Energy Stakeholders Breakfast.

Here is a link to request an invitation.