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Grid Modernization Strategies and Solutions for Caribbean Islands

1:30PM-3:00PM October 17, 2016

- H.G. Chissell, Advanced Energy Group - moderator

To design, develop and deliver utility scale solutions that strengthen reliability and resiliency, maximize renewable integration and minimize ratepayer costs, utilities, governments and key consumer stakeholders must lead a collaborative process towards grid modernization that engages both sides of the meter.

Topics for this session, will include:

  • Case Study: Washington D.C. MEDSIS: Modernizing the Energy Delivery System for Increased Sustainability Working Group and Top 100 Hour Initiative
  • DER Valuation for Distributed System Planning, Policy and Rate Design
  • Needs, Challenges and Opportunities for the Utility of the Future
  • Case Study: PowerSecure and Bahamas Power and Light – A Managed Serviced Approach to Grid Modernization

Murray Skeete:

Given your experience owning 3 utilities in the Caribbean, please define the pressing energy needs and constraints of islands in regards to grid modernization. 

  • What stateside efforts/solutions would you say are least applicable to island energy issues?

Jorge Camacho: 

As Chief of Infrastructure & System Planning for DC Public Service Commission and lead of FC 1130 Modernizing the Energy Delivery Structure for Increased Sustainability, you stand at the intersection of utilities, government and solution providers as a guardian of public good. 

  • Given the identified needs, what insight can you provide given your transformation efforts in the District? 
  • Where is the most striking overlap?

Peter Corsell:

As Founder of a successful utility scale energy monitoring and optimization company and now Managing Partner of a company dedicated to transforming mid-sized regulated utilities, how do you prioritize the stated energy needs above? How do they inform your vision for the most effective path forward?

Mark Martyak:

On February 9, 2016 PowerSecure announced that the company had signed a Management Services Agreement (MSA) with the government of The Bahamas under which PowerSecure will provide its management services to Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) for the next five years. As an Officer of PowerSecure you have been leading the project from origination through implementation. 

  • What is the most important commitment that this project must fulfill over the next 5 years? 
  • To what extent does this project integrate into a larger grid modernization strategy for the Bahamas? 
  • To what is extent is this project a replicable model for other islands?


June 2016 Submitted ConEdison Distributed System Integration Plan

Washington DC: FC 1130 Modernizing the Energy Delivery Structure for Increased Sustainability

Polling Questions:

What are the most critical energy need/issue facing Caribbean islands?

  • - rising cost of energy supply
  • - resiliency in the face of rising climate threats
  • - grid defection
  • - maximizing renewable penetration
  • - peak load management
  • - GHG emission management
  • - power grid infrastructure improvements
  • - consumer investment in grid connected DERs
  • - utility rate re-design
  • - power reliability
  • - other

Do you believe that a new, distributed vs centralized model with high levels consumer sided investment in distributed generation and load flexing assets would improve reliability?  Y/N

On a scale of 1 - 5, how costly is load defection to providing overall grid reliability?

Do you believe that a new, distributed vs centralized model with high levels consumer sided investment in distributed generation and load flexing assets would ultimately lower ratepayer costs?  Y/N

On a scale of 1 - 5, to what extent should sustainability issues such as GHG emission reductions and air pollution controls be factored into a utility's earning ability?

What capacity reserve margin should utilities place on behind the meter DG assets to offset or defer traditional utility infrastructure investment?  - greater than 50%?   - less than 50%?

On a scale of 1 - 5, how important is utility direct load of control of BTM assets to ensure reliability?

On a scale of 1 - 5, how important is utility ownership of BTM assets to ensure reliability?

Utility Uberfication: Do you believe utilities can earn sufficient earnings from grid services that empower consumers to earn revenues as aggregated virtual peak power plants?  Y/N

Please contact me if you would like to receive notes from this utility workshop discussion.