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Winning problem statement:

Linking upstream + downstream building and transportation policy for high-impact GHG reductions and sustainable, resilient housing and mobility for local communities

- Christine Weydig, NJ/NY Port Authority Director, Office of Environmental and Energy Programs

Winning 12-month action:


  • M1: identify and empathetically survey the neighborhood which could become micro-grid, live-work, zero carbon, fair, behavioral education

  • M2: create consortium, bring stakeholders

  • M3: create a pilot with KPIs with P3 investment and grants

*** runner-up table competing for 2020 AEG/VERGE Impact Award***

TABLE 2: Establish clean Dev zones for integrated housing and transportation policy

  • M1: build regional coalition with state support

  • M2: develop policies- land use tax reform, ee bldg code reform, and incentive package.

  • M3: solicit Govt buy in Q: select zones