Featured Sponsor / Co-Host - 1 Available  - $20,000

Includes: branding, speaking opportunity, invitation to steering committee* + 3 registration passes at AEG Sponsor prices

Featured AEG Sponsor / Co-Host - 1 Available - $15,000

Includes: branding, speaking opportunity, invitation to steering committee + 3 registration VIP no-cost passes

Breakfast Sponsor - 3 Available - $9,500

Includes: Feature branding, acknowledgment and 5-10 min speaking opportunity

Lunch Sponsor - 2 of 3 Available - Plated $16,000 or Boxed $6500 for Friday

Includes: Feature branding, and acknowledgment with plated lunch 10 min speaking opportunity or opportunity to moderate a 2 -3 speaker panel.

Networking Reception - 2 Available - $7,500

Includes: Feature branding, and acknowledgment with 10 min speaking opportunity

Private C-level Dinner for 12 - $ TBD

After Dinner Social @ La Fabrica - 1 available - $10,500

Includes: Featured branding

Display Table Sponsor  - 4 available  - $7,500 (25% discount for AEG Sponsors)

Includes: 6’ Table

Sponsorship packages (except for Display Table Sponsor) may be shared between sponsors. *Steering committee members have the opportunity to suggest speakers, invitees (Summit limited to 100 attendees in-person) and make suggestions to the agenda. Steering committee will be featured on website. 




With 2022 Sponsorship Renewal, ‘21 AEG Sponsors receive priority AEG Sponsor pricing.